Thank you. I see you and the hard work you are doing.
I see that sometimes they don't listen and there's one that's still turning cartwheels and has no idea where to be on the field. And doesn't really care. But some of them do care. Mine does. And she still messes up. And forgets to pay attention. I see you being kind to her anyway. I see you patting her on the shoulder after she lets a goal in. I hear you yelling again from the side, "Use your hands!" And again, "Use your hands! You're the goalie!" And again. "Hands!" I see you down on one knee. Explaining. Again. And Again. I see you celebrating her victories. And sharing her joy. She knows that you care about her. She feels that you want to help her succeed. She can tell you're invested in her. For no personal gain. I see you in the rain. From the sideline under my umbrella. I see you taking off work early and rushing to make it to 4:00 practice. I am so grateful that it makes me teary. Which is ridiculous because it's 5th grade soccer. But it matters. Maybe not the soccer. Definitely the time matters. Definitely the kindness matters. And maybe the soccer matters too. The more grown ups that are invested in her the better. The more she hears that another adult values her. Thinks she's worth investing time in. The more she will know her value. The more certain she will be that she has worth. You are teaching her about perseverance. She can tell it's not contingent upon her succeeding every time. You are teaching her to believe in herself. You are teaching her that she's a good investment. She knows she can count on you. She trusts you. Thank you. |
I'm Molly. I'm all in for parenting. I'm all in for good food. All in for big and small outdoor adventures. And really only partly in for homemaking. I want a Martha Stewart home and meal, but the truth is, we mamas just can't do it all. Not really. This shit is tricky!
This is a collection of musings and missives about parenting like you mean it. I mean really mean it. About how you can pull off a really mostly decent meal, keep your house kinda clean, do some of your laundry, and also even remember to usually feed your pets. But mostly about how being a mama is hard and we can totally rock it, but maybe that dream of perfection has got to give a little.
Love, Molly Categories
October 2017